Gramercy Dental Suite in Gramercy Park, NYC: A Sanctuary for Your Smile

At Gramercy Dental Suite, located in the storied enclave of Gramercy Park, we merge the tranquility of our neighborhood with the excellence of dental care. Our adept team, armed with the latest in dental technology, ensures every visit in our New York City office is rooted in comfort, efficiency, and peace of mind.

Embrace a modern, compassionate approach to dental care where your smile is our priority. Ready to experience the Gramercy difference? Book your appointment today and join the ranks of our satisfied patients.

Gramercy Dental Suite in Gramercy Park, NYC: A Sanctuary for Your Smile

At Gramercy Dental Suite, located in the storied enclave of Gramercy Park, we merge the tranquility of our neighborhood with the excellence of dental care. Our adept team, armed with the latest in dental technology, ensures every visit in our New York City office is rooted in comfort, efficiency, and peace of mind.

Embrace a modern, compassionate approach to dental care where your smile is our priority. Ready to experience the Gramercy difference? Book your appointment today and join the ranks of our satisfied patients.

General Dentistry Services

Comprehensive Exam and Cleaning

Dental Crowns


Root Canals

Teeth Extractions

Transform Your Smile with Gramercy Dental Suite

Gramercy Dental Suite: Your Premier Choice for Quality Dental Care in NYC

Experience unparalleled dental care at Gramercy Dental Suite, where clarity and confidence guide every step of your journey. Our commitment to transparent communication ensures that you are fully informed about your care plan.

Cutting-Edge Dental Technology for Enhanced Care

We utilize state-of-the-art technology, including digital X-rays, advanced laser dentistry, and precise 3D imaging, to provide you with the highest standard of dental care.

Expertise and Innovation: Elevating Your Dental Experience

Expertise and Innovation: Elevating Your Dental Experience

Comprehensive General Dentistry Services: Protecting Your Oral Health

Maintain optimal oral health with our comprehensive range of general dentistry services at Gramercy Dental Suite. From thorough examinations to gentle cleanings, our experienced team is dedicated to preserving and enhancing your smile.

Transform Your Smile with Gramercy Dental Suite

Cutting-Edge Dental Technology for Enhanced Care

We utilize state-of-the-art technology, including digital X-rays, advanced laser dentistry, and precise 3D imaging, to provide you with the highest standard of dental care.

Expertise and Innovation: Elevating Your Dental Experience

At Gramercy Dental Suite, we combine expertise with innovation to deliver exceptional dental care tailored to your individual needs.

Gramercy Dental Suite: Your Premier Choice for Quality Dental Care in NYC

Experience unparalleled dental care at Gramercy Dental Suite, where clarity and confidence guide every step of your journey. Our commitment to transparent communication ensures that you are fully informed about your care plan.

Comprehensive General Dentistry Services: Protecting Your Oral Health

Maintain optimal oral health with our comprehensive range of general dentistry services at Gramercy Dental Suite. From thorough examinations to gentle cleanings, our experienced team is dedicated to preserving and enhancing your smile.

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Revolutionize Your Dental Experience: Leading-Edge Care and Expertise at Gramercy Dental Suite, NYC

Step into a world of advanced dentistry and personalized care at Gramercy Dental Suite in NYC. With our in-house expertise in endodontics and periodontics, alongside cutting-edge technology, we redefine what it means to go to the dentist. Utilizing AI diagnostics, digital X-rays for precise imaging, and minimally invasive laser dentistry, we ensure your dental experience is as comfortable and effective as possible. From routine exams to complex treatments like crowns and fillings, trust us to enhance your oral health in a serene and welcoming environment.

Comprehensive Exam and Cleaning:

Maintain optimal dental health with our comprehensive exam and cleaning services at Gramercy Dental Suite. 

Maintain optimal dental health with our comprehensive exam and cleaning services at Gramercy Dental Suite. Our experienced dental professionals provide thorough examinations and gentle cleanings, tailored to your unique needs. We emphasize patient education and personalized care, empowering you to take control of your dental health.

The Process:

Cleaning: Our skilled hygienists will meticulously clean your teeth, delicately removing plaque and tartar buildup. This vital step is crucial in preventing gum disease and tooth decay, ensuring your oral health remains at its best.

Examination: Following the cleaning, our dental professionals will conduct a comprehensive examination of your teeth, gums, and jaw. This thorough assessment allows us to identify any potential dental issues or concerns that may require attention.

Digital X-Rays: To further enhance our diagnosis, we utilize cutting-edge digital x-ray technology. These advanced imaging techniques provide us with detailed and accurate insights into the condition of your teeth and jaw, enabling us to detect any underlying issues more effectively.
Personalized Treatment Plan: Based on the findings from your exam and x-rays, our expert team will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific dental needs. Whether it’s addressing cavities, gum disease, or other dental concerns, rest assured that your oral health is in capable hands.

 Most dental professionals recommend scheduling a dental exam and cleaning every six months. However, this frequency may vary depending on your individual oral health needs and risk factors. Our team will work with you to determine the most appropriate schedule for maintaining your dental health.

During a dental exam at Gramercy Dental Suite, we will thoroughly evaluate your teeth, gums, and jaw for any signs of dental issues. This may include checking for cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. Digital x-rays may be taken to assess your teeth and jaw more accurately. Based on the findings, our team will develop a personalized treatment plan to address any dental concerns and maintain your oral health.

Dental x-rays are a safe and essential diagnostic tool in dentistry. At Gramercy Dental Suite, we use digital x-rays, which emit significantly less radiation compared to traditional film x-rays. The frequency of x-rays depends on your oral health and risk factors. Our dental professionals will determine the appropriate interval for x-rays to minimize radiation exposure while ensuring accurate and timely detection of dental issues.

Dental Crowns:

Restore your tooth’s strength and appearance with custom dental crowns at Gramercy Dental Suite. Our experienced team utilizes advanced technology like 3D imaging and scanners to create crowns that seamlessly blend with your natural smile. The process involves preparing the affected tooth, taking detailed digital impressions, and placing a temporary crown while your custom one is being made.

The Process:

Preparation: Our dental professionals will prepare the affected tooth by removing any decayed or damaged areas and reshaping it to accommodate the crown.

Digital Impressions: We use state-of-the-art 3D imaging and scanners to take precise digital impressions of your tooth, ensuring a perfect fit for your custom crown.

Temporary Crown: While your custom crown is being fabricated, we’ll place a temporary crown over the prepared tooth to protect it and maintain function.

Placement: Once your custom crown is ready, we’ll remove the temporary crown and carefully place the permanent one, ensuring a comfortable fit and natural appearance.

 A dental crown may be recommended if you have a severely damaged, decayed, or weakened tooth that cannot be restored with a filling. Signs you may need a crown include large cavities, cracked or fractured teeth, or teeth that have undergone root canal treatment.

We offer a variety of dental crown materials, including porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, and zirconia. Each material has its own benefits and limitations, and our dental professionals will discuss the best option for your specific situation.

Dental crowns typically last between 5 to 15 years, depending on the material used and your oral hygiene habits. To care for your crown, maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly, and visit us for routine dental check-ups and cleanings.


Restore your smile with durable, aesthetic fillings at Gramercy Dental Suite. Our tooth-colored composite fillings provide a natural-looking solution to tooth decay. During the process, our dental professionals remove the decayed portion of the tooth, clean the area thoroughly, and place the filling material, shaping it to match your natural tooth.

The Process:

Decay Removal: Our dental team will carefully remove the decayed portion of the tooth, ensuring that only healthy tooth structure remains.

Cleaning: The area is thoroughly cleaned to remove any debris and bacteria, preparing it for the filling material.

Filling Placement: We place the tooth-colored composite filling material in layers, carefully shaping and sculpting it to match the natural contours of your tooth.

Curing: A special light is used to harden and cure the filling material, ensuring a strong and durable restoration.

Final Adjustments: Any necessary adjustments are made to ensure a comfortable bite and proper alignment with adjacent teeth.

We offer tooth-colored composite fillings at Gramercy Dental Suite. These fillings blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing both durability and aesthetics.

The time required for a dental filling depends on the size and location of the cavity, as well as the type of filling material used. Generally, a dental filling procedure takes about 30 – 90 minutes.

After getting a dental filling, maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly. Avoid chewing on hard objects or ice, as it may damage the filling. Attend regular dental check-ups and cleanings to ensure the longevity of your filling and monitor your overall oral health.

Restore your tooth’s strength and appearance with custom dental crowns at Gramercy Dental Suite. Our experienced team utilizes advanced technology like 3D imaging and scanners to create crowns that seamlessly blend with your natural smile. The process involves preparing the affected tooth, taking detailed digital impressions, and placing a temporary crown while your custom one is being made.

Root Canals:

Save and repair your teeth with root canal treatments at Gramercy Dental Suite. Our gentle, anxiety-free treatments are performed in a comfortable, serene setting. The process involves carefully removing the infected pulp from the affected tooth, cleaning and shaping the root canal, and sealing it to prevent future infection.

The Process:

Anesthesia Administration: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area around the affected tooth, ensuring your comfort throughout the procedure.

Pulp Removal: Our dental professionals carefully remove the infected or damaged pulp from the inside of the tooth, eliminating bacteria and preventing further infection.

Root Canal Cleaning: The root canal is thoroughly cleaned and shaped using specialized instruments to remove any remaining debris and bacteria.

Sealing: Once the root canal is clean, it is sealed with a biocompatible material to prevent bacteria from re-entering and causing reinfection.

Restoration: Depending on the extent of damage, a dental crown may be placed over the treated tooth to restore its strength, function, and appearance.

The duration of a root canal treatment varies depending on the complexity of the case and the tooth being treated. Generally, a root canal treatment takes one to two appointments, with each appointment lasting 60 to 90 minutes.

After a root canal treatment, maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly. Avoid chewing on hard objects or using your teeth as tools. Attend routine dental check-ups and cleanings to ensure the health and longevity of your treated tooth and overall oral health.

Some common signs that you may need a root canal include severe toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold, swelling around the affected tooth, and darkening of the tooth. However, some cases may not exhibit any symptoms. Regular dental check-ups at Gramercy Dental Suite can help detect and address any dental issues before they progress and require more extensive treatments.

Teeth Extractions:

Experience safe, efficient teeth extractions at Gramercy Dental Suite. Our skilled dental team ensures your comfort throughout the process, administering local anesthesia to numb the area and carefully extracting the tooth. Detailed post-extraction care instructions are provided to support a smooth recovery.

The Process:

Preparation: Before the extraction, our dental team will review your medical history and take any necessary X-rays to assess the tooth’s condition and surrounding structures.

Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the extraction site, ensuring a comfortable experience during the procedure.

Extraction: Using specialized instruments, the tooth is gently rocked back and forth to loosen it from the surrounding tissues. Once sufficiently loosened, the tooth is carefully lifted out of its socket.

Post-Extraction Care: After the extraction, our team will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for the extraction site to promote healing and minimize discomfort. This may include applying ice packs, taking prescribed medications, and avoiding certain foods or activities.

Follow-Up: We schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns you may have during the recovery period.

During a tooth extraction at Gramercy Dental Suite, our dental professionals will ensure your comfort by administering local anesthesia to numb the area. Once the area is numb, the tooth will be carefully removed using specialized dental instruments.

After a tooth extraction, it’s essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by our dental professionals. These may include applying an ice pack to reduce swelling, taking prescribed medications as needed, avoiding strenuous activities, and maintaining a soft food diet for a few days.

There are several options for replacing a missing tooth after an extraction, including dental implants, dental bridges, and partial dentures. Our dental professionals will discuss the pros and cons of each option and help you choose the best solution for your unique needs.

CT Scans: Dental cone beam computed tomography

At Gramercy Dental Suite, our cutting-edge dental care includes the use of advanced CT scans to provide precise and detailed diagnostic imaging for our patients. These scans offer three-dimensional views of the teeth, jawbone, and surrounding structures, enabling our dental team to accurately assess oral health conditions and develop tailored treatment plans.

The Process:

During a CT scan procedure, patients are comfortably positioned while our state-of-the-art imaging technology captures detailed images from multiple angles. The process is quick, non-invasive, and painless, providing comprehensive insights into oral health with minimal discomfort.

A dental CT scan, or computed tomography scan, uses X-rays and advanced computer technology to create detailed images of the oral cavity. It is invaluable for precise diagnosis and treatment planning, particularly for complex procedures like dental implant placement and oral surgery.

Yes, dental CT scans are considered safe when performed by trained professionals. At Gramercy Dental Suite, we adhere to strict safety protocols to minimize radiation exposure and ensure patient well-being during imaging procedures.

Results from a dental CT scan are typically available shortly after the procedure. Our dental team will review the images and discuss findings with patients during their appointment, ensuring a clear understanding of their oral health status.

Implants: Restore Functionality and Beauty with Confidence

Rediscover the joy of a complete smile with Gramercy Dental Suite’s advanced dental implant solutions. With precision placement and unparalleled artistry, our skilled specialists seamlessly restore both the function and aesthetics of your smile, empowering you to live life to the fullest with confidence and grace.

The Process: Crafting Your Dream Smile with Implants

Consultation: Begin your journey to a revitalized smile with a comprehensive consultation where we’ll evaluate your dental health and discuss your goals for implant treatment.

Placement: Experience the artistry of implant placement as our specialists surgically insert the implants into your jawbone, providing a sturdy foundation for your new teeth.

Integration: Witness the seamless integration of implants with your natural bone as they bond and become a permanent part of your smile, ensuring stability and longevity.

Restoration: Watch your smile come to life as we attach custom-crafted crowns or bridges to your implants, restoring both the beauty and functionality of your teeth with breathtaking results.

Frequently Asked Questions - Implants:

Our team prioritizes your comfort and well-being, utilizing advanced techniques and anesthesia to ensure a virtually pain-free experience during implant placement.

Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance, providing a long-term solution for missing teeth and enhancing your quality of life.

Most individuals with missing teeth can benefit from dental implants, but a thorough evaluation is necessary to determine your candidacy for treatment based on your oral health and bone density.

Gold Fillings:

Rediscover the joy of a complete smile with Gramercy Dental Suite’s advanced dental implant solutions. With precision placement and unparalleled artistry, our skilled specialists seamlessly restore both the function and aesthetics of your smile, empowering you to live life to the fullest with confidence and grace.

The Process:

The process of receiving a gold filling begins with the removal of decayed or damaged tooth structure. Impressions are then taken to create a custom gold filling that precisely fits the prepared cavity. Once bonded to the tooth, the gold filling restores both function and appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions - Gold Fillings:

Gold fillings offer superior durability and longevity, making them a long-term solution for tooth restoration. They require less tooth structure removal and are less likely to cause tooth sensitivity compared to other filling materials.

While gold fillings may have a distinct appearance, they blend well with natural tooth structure and are discreet in the mouth. Many patients appreciate the durability and reliability of gold fillings for restoring their teeth.

Gold fillings can last for decades with proper care and maintenance. Their exceptional durability and resistance to wear make them a reliable choice for restoring teeth and preserving oral health.

AI-Assisted Treatment Planning:

Gramercy Dental Suite utilizes advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology to assist in treatment planning, ensuring optimal outcomes for our patients. Our AI algorithms analyze patient data to identify patterns, predict outcomes, and develop personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs and preferences.

The Process:

Our AI-assisted treatment planning process begins with the collection of comprehensive patient data, including medical history, dental records, and diagnostic imaging. This data is then analyzed by our AI software, which generates evidence-based treatment recommendations for review by our dental professionals. Together, we collaborate with patients to develop customized treatment plans that address their specific concerns and goals.

Frequently Asked Questions -AI-Assisted Treatment Planning

AI technology enhances treatment planning by analyzing patient data and predicting outcomes, ensuring precise and personalized care. This results in optimal treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction.

AI-assisted treatment planning benefits a wide range of dental procedures, including dental implant placement, orthodontic treatment, and cosmetic dentistry. By optimizing treatment planning, AI technology helps achieve predictable and successful results for patients.

Yes, AI-assisted treatment planning at Gramercy Dental Suite is both accurate and reliable. Our AI algorithms undergo rigorous testing and validation to ensure accuracy in analyzing patient data and generating treatment recommendations. Additionally, our dental professionals oversee the entire treatment planning process to ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction.

Experience the difference at Gramercy Dental Suite, where quality dental care meets compassionate service. With a focus on patient education, advanced technology, and expert-led treatments, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve optimal oral health and a confident smile.

Schedule your appointment today and discover a new standard of dental excellence.